miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

People normally when are talking about tourism they think in a culture way. But tourism involves different subtypes of it, and one which is not-known at all is adventure in sports tourism, an interesting way of do some tourism.

We are Pablo Martín, Mere Samblás and Xavier Reig from Autonomous University of Barcelona, and in this blog we are going to talk about which type of adventure in sports tourism we can do and where we can found it.

We hope that you enjoy this!

Adventure tourism is a segment of the currently tourism which is increasing during a few years ago.

Then, which is the number of european tourists that do this type of tourism? In fact, nowadays 1/4 of the european tourists decide to do some type of adventure tourism due to the big interes to be health and do activities or sports while they're travelling. All of these add up to the interest to life active experiencies during the trip and be in contact with the nature are the points that make people to decide for an adventure tourism than the traditional culture tourism.

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