sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Where search for an adventure trip? We tell you!

Today is the last day that we’re going to expose some news about Adventure Tourism and we can’t finish without giving you some of the most important web pages to contract an adventure trip.

This post is in relation to the last ones where we were exposing some adventure activities and some countries to go and enjoy an adventure trip. Then, where you can contract or ask information for an adventure trip? We let you know!



These pages will offer you the possibility of see what products they offer and these have a big variety: safaris, expedition cruising, cultural encounters, trekking, hiking, polar voyages, cycling... But there’s also the possibility to select the duration that you want and which type of holiday you prefer (from more passive to more active). 

From Africa to Europe, from mix-holidays (with multi activities) to walking and trekking...
There are a lot of possibilities and you decide what you want to do. Take a look on these pages and enjoy and plan where your next holidays will be and what activities you prefer to enjoy.
These types of trips can change your life and your life’s style. It’s time to adventure; it’s time to another type of tourism!

In this way you can see what to do if you want to be specialized in this market. Seeing what this brands are doing and what they are offering in their sites makes you the possibility of study this market and see which places are the most important to focus this type of tourism.

Do you know...?

That exists the possibility of study a master of Adventure Tourism Management that will allow you the chance of work in this specific sector and design what you offer to the consumers or work with the suppliers that create it.

1 comentario:

  1. Oh this is amazing. Now, I could check the different pages to see what products their offer. Thanks and great job.
