jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Olympic Games: an opportunity for your business

Have you ever think about how another Olympic Games can affect at Spain? 

Truly the opportunity of generate money in a country during Olympic Games it’s a way to create a new business or consolidate your own business. But moreover it’s an opportunity to get a job.
For example, in the last Olympic Games at London, it invested around 15.000$ millions giving the possibility to 75.000 companies to get a work for Olympic Games and generating around 200.000 jobs to people. 

Then, for a hotel it’s a good opportunity to expand his business if we talk about an Olympic Games’ vision, because working together with government makes to these companies the possibility of an increase of their prices and having all-reserved during this Olympic Games.

But there’s not only an opportunity to hotels. Other companies like distributors of meal, beverage…, Durex (yes, Durex), G4S (security company), Rio Tinto (the company that distribute metals for medals), etc. have a really good opportunity to increase in a forceful way their sales. 

Finally, we need to talk about the economy of the country. Olympic Games, apart from being an opportunity of create a business or increase your sales; it’s a way to grow up your economy. As we can see in the next graphic, UK economy had growth by 1%, solving a lot of problems for government. 

Then, what do you think about an Olympic Games at Spain? Could it return to Spain in a good economy position? Could have an impact as 1992’s Olympic Games at Barcelona? Maybe one day we will know this…

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